Posts Tagged ‘socket’

In the server side, we have to create a socket, Bind the socket to the address and port, and then set it to listening state and waits for the client to connect. When a client requests a connection, the server then accepts the connection.

Make sure you opened up two Python Shells (or Python IDLEs) so that you can run both the client and server.

This is a very basic program that sends a string of data from the server to the client and displays it to the client.


# TCP Server Code

host=""			    # Set the server address to variable host
port=4446 				    # Sets the variable port to 4446
from socket import *	 		    # Imports socket module


s.bind((host,port))     		    # Binds the socket. Note that the input to
                                            # the bind function is a tuple

s.listen(1) 		        	    # Sets socket to listening state with a  queue
                                            # of 1 connection

print "Listening for connections.. "

q,addr=s.accept()			    # Accepts incoming request from client and returns
                                            # socket and address to variables q and addr

data=raw_input("Enter data to be send:  ")  # Data to be send is stored in variable data from
                                            # user

q.send(data) 		        	    # Sends data to client


# End of code


TCP Client

In the TCP Client, we need to create the socket first, then connect to the server by using the socketname.connect((ipaddress,port)) . Then you need to receive the data which is send from the server, this is done by using the function socketname.recv(size)

# TCP Client Code

host="" 			# Set the server address to variable host

port=4446 				# Sets the variable port to 4446

from socket import *			 # Imports socket module

s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)		# Creates a socket

s.connect((host,port))			# Connect to server address

msg=s.recv(1024)			# Receives data upto 1024 bytes and stores in variables msg

print "Message from server : " + msg

s.close()                            # Closes the socket
# End of code

Happy Coding!
