Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Happy new year – 2024!

Posted: January 1, 2024 in Uncategorized

Happy new Year to all my long time readers! God Bless!

Here are my top game picks from the E3 2017 event.

Beyond Good And Evil 2:

The trailer begins in the city of Ganesha, named after the Hindu God. Check the in game screenshot below. Looks amazing!


Check out the game trailer from the video below.

The best part of the game is that can literally fly from one planet to another. Holy Sh*t!! Loving the whole Interstellar vibe here. 🙂


-The gameplay is unreal and its a huge open world game.
-You can fly with your exo-suit and even fly underwater.
-The in game flight mechanics look fluid.

Click the video link below to watch the official gameplay video. [Watch in Full HD.]

Here is a screenshot from the game:


Which game are you waiting for and which one was your favorite? Let me know what you think in the comments section down below.


Source: Verge
Image Credits: Gamespot

Hey!! Happy New Year to everyone and special regards to all my subscribers. Hope you have a great year ahead.

Happy new year

Happy Blogging!


2013 in review

Posted: December 31, 2013 in Uncategorized
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Happy New Year to all my blog subscribers and readers!!

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 130,000 times in 2013. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 6 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.


Celebrating 100k+ Views

Posted: October 23, 2013 in Uncategorized
Tags: ,

Hi everyone,

Today my blog crossed over 100,000 views. This is a post to thank all my blog subscribers for their support and also to all others who follow my blog.

100,000+ Views

Once again, Thank you all! Hope you have great day. Happy Blogging! 🙂


This is a guide on configuring network in CentOS 6.x in Virtual Box with screenshots (using terminal).

[UPDATE: This guide can also be used to configure network on CentOS 6.5]

So, here I have used CentOS 6.3 minimal and will be discussing on configuring the Virtual Box and CentOS for network access. If you need help installing CentOS minimal in the Virtual Box, you can find the instructions in my earlier post here.


  1. Virtual Box
  2. CentOS 6.3 or 6.5 (I have tested this on CentOS 6.3 and CentOS 6.5, you can use it on other 6.x versions too)

Step 1: Configure Virtual Box Network Settings:

There are different modes or ways you can configure your Virtual box network settings.

  1. Not Attached
  2. NAT
  3. Bridged Adapter
  4. Internal Network
  5. Host-Only Adapter
  6. Generic Driver

You can find more details about the different modes here.

I will be using the Bridged Adapter mode for this guide. It is faster as it treat the VM as an individual host within the network.

Open Virtual Box and right click on  your CentOS VM, and click on “Settings“.

vbox settings

Now, go to the tab Network and change the “Attached to” field to “Bridged Adapter”. Then choose the “Name” to your network interface. For example, I have a dell wireless adapter, so I choose the Name as “Dell Wireless” from the drop down menu. And finally check the field “Cable Connected.  Finally, click on OK when you are done.

network settings

So, you have now configured the Virtual Box. Now, you can start your CentOS VM by selecting you VM and clicking on “Start”.

start vm

Step 2: Configure CentOS network settings:

You can configure your network either by using Dynamic IP addressing assigned by your DHCP server or you can manually configure your IP Address statically. You can choose either static or dynamic method and can do so by editing the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.

Method 1: Dynamic IP 

We can configure the network by using Dynamic IP address which are assigned automatically by the DHCP server. This is the simplest way to configure your network.

NOTE: You will have a line that starts with HWADDR in the your config file, do not change or modify that line.

In your terminal, type the following:

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Now, add/modify the file as follows (DO NOT CHANGE the HWADDR line your config file):






Now, save the file by pressing “ESC” and typing :wq and hit ENTER.

To view your network config file. type the following in the terminal:

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

dynamic ip config

Now, you will have to restart your network. You can do so by typing the following in the terminal:

                service network restart

service network restart

To view your IP address, type the following in your terminal:

                ifconfig eth0

You can see your IP Address of the interface eth0 next to the field “inet addr:” as shown below:

ifconfig eth0

Now, if you have internet access, then you can check if you are able to ping any website. And you should be able to get the reply. For example, in your terminal type:


ping results

You can press CTRL+ C to stop the ping command.

So, Hurray! you have successfully setup up your network in your CentOS Virtual Box.

Method 2: Static IP

We can also assign the network information manually by assigning the IP Address, NETMASK , GATEWAY in the network interface config file.

NOTE: You will have a line that starts with HWADDR in your config file, do not change or modify that line.

Step1 : In you terminal, type:

vi  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Now, edit/merge the file to the following









Now, press ESC and type :wq and hit ENTER to save and exit the configuration file.

To view the config file. type the following in the terminal:

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

view configuration

Step 2: Change Host name: 

To change host name , you have to edit the config file /etc/sysconfig/network. If you want to know to change the host name manually, you can follow the guide I have posted earlier here.

Step 3: Assign DNS Server IP

To manually assign primary and secondary DNS Server IP addresses, in your terminal type: 

vi /etc/resolv.conf

Now, edit this file to the following:



Now, press ESC and type :wq and hit ENTER to save and exit the configuration file.

Now, if you want you can make sure you have entered and saved the correct configuration(It is a good practice to double check 😀 ). To view your dns config file, in your terminal type:

cat  /etc/resolv.conf


Step 4: Restart network:

Finally, all you have to do is to restart your network service. To so so, type the following in the terminal:

                service network restart

service network restart

Now, you can check your Current IP configuration, by typing the following in the terminal:

ifconfig eth0

ifconfig eth0

Now, if you have internet access, then you can check if you are able to ping any website. And you should be able to get the reply. For example, In your terminal type:


 ping results

You can press CTRL+ C to stop the ping command.

So, Hurray! you have successfully setup up your network manually in your CentOS Virtual Box.

Hope this guide helped you to configure network in your CentOS Virtual Machine.

If you have any queries or suggestions regarding this guide, feel free to leave a comment and will get back at you. Don’t forget to follow my blog to get future updates! :D



Happy New Year!

Posted: December 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

To all my subscribers & anyone reading this post, Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great year ahead of you! Cheers!

2013 wallpaper

cout<<“Happy New Year!”<<endl;                             // Have fun!


A former fighter  jet pilot Yves Rossy commonly known as “Jetman” flew around  Brazil’s famous Christ the Redeemer statue. He was strapped with solid wings and 4 jet engines.

The flight was appropriately 11 minutes. There is a video on YouTube which shows the view captured during the flight which is spectacular. He finally deployed his parachute and landed on Copacabana Beach. Maan, this guy has got balls!!