Posts Tagged ‘install’

This is a guide on how to install Zorin OS 7 (64-bit) in Virtual Box. Hope this helps!


  1. Zorin OS Core ISO : Download Link (~1.5GB)
  2. Virtual Box : Download Link  (~96 MB)
  3. Atleast 8 GB of free hard disk space.

Installation Procedure:

First, download and install Virtual Box in your computer using the download link mentioned above. Also, download the Zorin OS ISO to any location of your choice.

Open Virtual Box, click on “New“:


Now, enter “Name” anything as you wish, Type asLinux” and Version asUbuntu (64-bit)“. Then, click on “Next“.

Name and Operating system

Now, select the amount of RAM you want to allocate for your Zorin OS Virtual machine. I would recommend a minimum of 512MB-1024MB. I have allocated 1024 MB (i.e. 1 GB of RAM) for my Zorin OS VM.

Memory Size

We need to create a virtual hard drive. Click on “Create a virtual hard drive now” and click on “Create“.

Create Hard Drive

Now, select the option ” VDI(Virtual disk Image) ” and click on “Next”.

Hard Disk Type

Now, select “Dynamically allocated“. {NOTE: You can also go with fixed size if you want but it will take longer time to create but is faster to use }

Storage Type

Now , you can select the size of your virtual hard disk by dragging the slider across. You can also choose a custom location where you want to save your Zorin OS by clicking on the red box that I have highlighted. Make sure you allocate a minimum of 8 GB. After selecting the appropriate options, click on “Create“.


Now, Click on the Virtual machine, you created and click on “Start“.


Now, click on the small folder icon which I have highlighted in red and browse to the ZorinOS ISO file you have downloaded earlier.



Now, click on “Start” once you have selected the ISO file.


To start the installation, select the option “Start the installer directly“.


Wait a few moments for the installer to load.


Select the Language of your choice and click on “Continue“.


Click on “Continue“.


Select “Erase disk and install Zorin“.


After this step, you would be prompted to select your location. You can click on the map to select your location and click on “Continue“. Then select the keyboard layout of your choice and click on “Continue“.


Now, you can enter “Your Name” , “Your computer’s name” , “username” and a “password” of your choice and click on “Continue“.


Now, it will copy the nessasry files and install the Zorin OS.


This may take a while depending on your computer configuration.


You will get a prompt stating that the Installation is complete. Click on “Restart Now“.


Hit on the “ENTER” key when prompted.


Select the first option “Zorin” and hit “ENTER” in your keyboard.


This should boot up your installed Zorin OS.


Enter your login credentials that you created earlier during the installation phase.


You should be able to see your home screen and the Z button which is similar to the start button in Windows based systems in the lower left corner. Clicking that should bring up the menu which is very classy in my opinion and easy for newbies who are migrating from Windows to Linux.


You can open up the terminal by simply searching terminal in the search box and it should bring up the terminal.


And here is the terminal!


So Hurrayy!! You have successfully installed Zorin OS in Virtual Box !!

I just installed ZorinOS a few days back, and felt that it is a great OS especially for users who are migrating from Windows to Linux. I am still playing around with it and so far I must say it looks interesting. So go ahead, try it out and let me  know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment about it in the comments section below.

If you have any sort of queries on regarding this installation, just leave a comment below and will get back to you. Don’t forget to follow my blog to get future updates! :D



Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop. Conky is licensed under the GPL and runs on Linux and BSD.

Step 1: Installing Conky in Xubuntu 12.04

Open up the “Terminal” and type the following commands:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:conkyhardcore/ppa

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install conky-all

Step 2: Create config file

Create a file named “.conkyrc” in your home folder. This will be your config file where you will insert your configuration details later. To do this, use the following command in the terminal :

$ sudo touch ~/.conkyrc

$ sudo chmod +x ~/.conkyrc

Now you can either search in Google for sample conkyrc config files and copy them to your ~/.conkyrc file or you can download the following sample :

Sample Conky Config : Download Link

Now, open the ~/.conkyrc file and paste the contents of the above sample conky to it and save the ~/.conky file.

You can use gedit to open the ~/.conkyrc file using the following command:

$ sudo gedit ~/.conkyrc

Step 3: Start Conky

To start conky, open your terminal and type :

$ sudo conky

You should now see the conky window on the your desktop screen.

Step 4 : Add conky to startup

Create a file named say “” in home folder and make it executable by using the commands:

$ sudo touch ~/

$ sudo chmod +x ~/

Now, open “” file using the following command:

$ sudo gedit ~/

Now, paste the following code into the “” file:

sleep 30 && conky ;

Save the file and exit.

To add to startup, Go to Menu>Settings>Session & Startup

Press “Add” , set name as “Conky” and set “Location” as the location of ““.

This will make conky to run at startup after a delay of 30 seconds (so that conky gets loaded after the desktop is loaded).

Screenshot of My Xubuntu + Conky :

If you have any sort of queries on regarding this installation, just leave a comment and will get back at you. Don’t forget to follow my blog to get future updates! 😀


This is a newbie guide to  installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in Virtual Box.

Stuff you will need:

1. Ubuntu ISO Image file : You can download either the 32 bit version or the 64-bit version. Using the 64-bit version will have better performance in my opinion. Download Link (~694 MB)

2.Virtual Box : Download Link  (~90 MB)

3. Disk Requirements : Atleast 8 GB of free space.

Installation Steps:

After you have downloaded Virtual Box and Ubuntu 12.04, open up Virtual Box. You would see a window like this:

Now, press on “New“. And then type any name in “Name”, Type as “Linux”, and Version as “Ubuntu“. If you downloaded the 64 bit version of Ubuntu , then use “Ubuntu (64 bit)” .


Now, set the amount of RAM anywhere from 512 MB to 1024 MB. You can increase this to 2048 MB if you have lots of RAM.

Specifying RAM image

Now, select the option “Create a virtual hard drive now“, and press “Create“.

Create Disk Image

Now, set the type of Hard Disk File Type to “VDI” and press “Next“.

hd type image

Now, you have to specify the “File Location” and “Size” of your Virtual Hard Disk. This will be space which will be used by your Ubuntu OS after installation. Its recommended to use at least a minimum of 10GB to 15 GB. The File Location is where your Virtual Hard Disk will be stored. You choose any location you want or simply use the default location. After specifying the Location and Size, press “Create“.

Disk space Image

Now,you can select whether you want your hard disk to grow dynamically i.e. it will grow according to the data or “static”. Select “Dynamically Allocated” option and then press “Next“.

Dynamic Allocation Image

Now, you would come back to the initial screen but now you will see the virtual machine you created here.

Now, press “Start“. And select the Ubuntu ISO image file you downloaded earlier. Then press “Start“.

Select iso Image


Now, choose the “Language” and press “Install Ubuntu“.

Menu Image

In the next screen , click on “Continue“.

Now, select “Erase disk and install Ubuntu” and press “Continue“.

Installation type img

Now, select the drive and press “Install Now“.

Select Disk Image

Now, choose your “Keyboard Layout” and  “Location“, and other enter details such as “Username” and “Password” when prompted. It will copy all the setup files and then begin to install Ubuntu onto your Virtual Hard Disk.

copying files image

After it is done installing, it will prompt you asking you to Reboot. Click on “Restart Now“.

Rebbot Now Img

After the reboot is complete, you will see the Login Screen. Click on the username to select and enter your password and press Enter to login.

Login Screen Image


This is a screenshot of my Ubuntu Desktop after installation.

Ubuntu Desktop Screenshot

So, yeah! hoping you got yours successfully installed. If you have any sort of queries regarding this installation , feel free to leave a comment.

Don’t forget to follow my blog to get future updates!